The truth about the new Snow White and why being too “woke” without restraint is bad for everyone

Perhaps like me, you have been seeing ads during your evening streaming binges on Disney (I have kids) for the live action film, Snow White.
At first I was very excited. I thought we might even go to the theater for this one. But then things got stupid on the internet and the magic has been lost on me and probably for hundred (or thousands) of others.
Why? Because everything on the internet these days has to be made political and frankly, it’s tiresome.
Now, I believe in equal opportunity and that diversity at the decision making table brings out better ideas (and solutions) and if you are one of those people who thinks that systemic racism and misogyny doesn’t exist in the U.S. I’m afraid that you are factually wrong. However, there is a point when things go too far, and I think that we have reached that point.
While Snow White is probably my least favorite Disney princess because she seems a little dumb and vapid for my taste (I mean, she is supposed to be 14), I have also always understood that the story wasn’t written for me — a millennial born in the 80s and raised by a single mother.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was originally released in 1937. This was the depression. There was no “political correctness” and from what I hear this was a pitch that Walt himself made to his staff by acting out every character because he was so taken by the story.
He wasn’t concerned with how “rapey” it may have seemed to be kissed without “consent” because those words weren’t even a part of his vocabulary and the fact that Miss White took refuge in a cottage with seven dwarfs who wanted to help her was also par for the times. Isn’t it great that they wanted to protect her over the alternative?
Also, at 14, I think it’s amazing that she even took it upon herself to cook and clean in order to repay the dwarfs for their kindness as many of us know that asking a teenager to do any cleaning these days requires bribery or cold hard cash. Plus she couldn’t go outside for fear of death, so I’m just glad she made herself useful.
In addition, I want to add that the original Snow White is a very special cinematic achievement due to the fact that it was the first animated feature length film. Can you imagine how much manual drawing was involved in the creation of this film due to the fact that Adobe wouldn’t be launched until 1982? Damn.
For me, the reaction to the live action Snow White is just baffling. First because Disney shouldn’t care so much about their casting if the cast is superior and makes the film great. After all, it’s the job of an actor to morph into the character written on the page and convince an audience that they’re them. It’s Disney’s job to tell fun, entertaining stories that inspire and delight, not be political, although we should give them an E for effort.
Think about it, 10 years ago they weren’t woke enough and now they are too woke. They went from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty to Frozen and Moana. Yet they still can’t “win” and the funny thing is, while mom’s tend to love the new princesses, our daughters tend to fancy the old ones. Could this be because romance and love at first sight is something we will always long for at a young age? Or is it because these are stories for kids, so the simpler the better? I’ll let you mull that one over.
We are so focused on what’s negative today that we are forgetting all the good that Disney has provided.
Say what you will about Walt the man, who no doubt had many flaws, but he was a creative genius. And if we have learned anything over the last 20 years it’s that many creative geniuses have turned out to be deplorable and unethical human beings – but we still buy their products, listen to their music, watch their movies, and dare I say, elect them president.
I digress.
We have to stop hating on history that we can’t change and we have to stop being so woke that no one feels safe to try anything new or different in fear of being criticized or cancelled.
We are better people than we were 80 years ago because talents like Gal Godot or Rachel Zegler wouldn’t have been cast in these roles. Also, who cares if they weren’t friends on set? Are you friends with everyone you work with?
I do think that actors need to understand that when they state their political opinions online it makes it more difficult for an audience to see past their everyday politics and enjoy the character they portray on the screen. However, society should also give actors grace, especially since many of the ones we love today were born after 1980.
I will go see Snow White, or perhaps wait for it to stream on one of my many apps. I will also continue to support Disney because they are trying, and they continue to create beautiful stories that bring joy to the world. I also know they are here for my entertainment, not to reinforce my political beliefs, and that’s the truth.