Women, stop having sex outside of marriage, here’s why
Women, don’t give away your power so easily as it’s really the only power we seem to have.

The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s hasn’t really changed our culture or attitudes towards women and sex in the U.S. No. Instead it has made life more uncertain, even stressful for women and has let men off the hook when it comes to responsibility, romance, and compassion.
Here me out.
By making it easier for men to have sex without consequence, without the responsibility of marriage or ritual of dating, romance, and learning how to have a conversation with a woman to keep her attention, we have raised an entire generation of entitled men who are morally and ethically feeble.
These men (not all of course) lack effort and drive because of our desire to live more like them, but honestly, this is not what we wanted.
What women wanted was to be valued for our contributions to society and the human race. To be supported in persuing our dreams, whatever they may be. To be adored for our brains and our bodies and not objectified or belittled. To be able to choose our destiny, but look where we are.
While we may have gained the ability to own property and credit cards we no longer seem to have the protection as people who endure more than men. Not only is it still not equal, but it’s very obvious it never will be or perhaps should be because men don’t have to go through what we do — from monthly menstruation, hormonal changes, childbirth, menopause and the constant fear of being raped or accosted. Women do more, so shouldn’t we expect more?
Therefore, I say we take back our power until Mr. Right shows up and proves himself worthy. I mean, who does sexual liberation really serve anyway? (again speaking from a hetero lens)
As many of you have probably found out (contrary to movies and television) the amount of times a woman orgasims with a penis alone is almost 0. Thus, if you’re not married (or if you are it’s cool to join too) quit with dick and see what happens.
Not only will your risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease diminish, but maybe men will wake up and finally want to work on themselves. Maybe, just maybe, they will stand up for equal opportunity, healthcare and safety for women as well as be kinder and more appreciative of the value we bring not only to the community, but to their lives. A girl can dream.
I think the ladies of South Korea were on to something. We’ve had our dignity and certain rights stripped away because (mostly men) don’t think we should be responsible for our bodies and our futures. Well, this is about taking control of what you can actually control and contrary to what they believe, we can control our bodies, which means we don’t have to have sex, no matter what age we are.
Think of this silent protest as a test and learn. Ask men if they want to raise a daughter in a country where she has every opportunity to pursue life, liberty and happiness and a partner who values her for the human being she is and go from there.